Sep 3 2019
Hali Cooper

As a meeting planner, do you ask yourself if attendees leave your events happier and more productive than when they arrived?  All too often, the business-side of a meeting becomes so focused on cost-savings and ROI that the human element is forgotten. Attendee engagement, problem-solving, and behavior-changing goals get pushed aside for these “results-based” aspects.    It’s time to reignite that conversation and think about creating meaningful, lasting experiences for attendees. We …

FMAV Names Production Centre Leader in Ottawa

Aug 28 2019
Rob Yaworski appointed to lead FMAV production and PSAV venue operations (MISSISSAUGA, ON) – August 22, 2019 FMAV announced today that Rob Yaworski has been named as Director, Production Centre and Area Venues, Ottawa. In his new role, Rob will be responsible for overall management of the combined FMAV and PSAV operations in the Ottawa ...

Should You Create Content In-House or Outsource It?

Aug 26 2019
Successful business and events professionals understand how critical it is to create good content. Whether that content exists on the company website or in the form of a promotional event, one thing is certain: High-quality content has the ability to generate leads, motivate customers and ultimately increase profits. The big question many businesses ask, however, ...

FMAV's Alissa Hurley Inducted into Hall of Fame

Aug 23 2019
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Alissa Hurley Inducted into Canadian Meetings + Events Expo Hall of Fame We are pleased to announce that Alissa Hurley, VP, Marketing at FMAV has been inducted into the Hall of Fame at the recent Canadian Meetings + Events Expo! The Hall of Fame program, now in it’s 11th year, is comprised of 68 ...

Creative Design Process Tools

Aug 19 2019
3 fast tools to help with creative design process 1. Stakeholder Alignment Canvas Exercise: Before you can design your event, you need to understand who you are designing for. The old saying, “You can keep some people happy some of the time, but not all people all the time” is very true. This four-step process ...

How to Leverage In-House AV

Aug 15 2019
Candice Beckman
As a meeting planner, we’re faced with tough choices every day. From selecting venues to coordinating stakeholder travel, the details are endless. Selecting an AV provider might be one of the biggest – and toughest – choices to make. The decision to stay in-house or to go with an outside vendor is a constant conundrum. With such fierce ...

Despite Technology, Face to Face Meetings Still Prevail

Jul 25 2019
Ben Erwin
Advancements in technology have certainly made our lives easier in many ways, including how we choose to meet. Thanks to videoconferencing solutions like Skype, Zoom, WebEx (among others), employees across the globe are able to connect without even having to take a step. But despite the convenience of virtual substitutes, in-person events are still the ...

How to Use Projection Mapping at Your Next Event

Jul 17 2019
Projection mapping can turn any event into an immersive, unforgettable experience. Whether you want to “wow” your crowd, capture their imagination, or showcase your next new product, projection mapping will ensure every person in the room is engaged in your presentation. From large sporting events and music festivals to keynote speeches and corporate events, this ...