Produce a memorable experience for your meeting participants In today’s ever-changing landscape, the way people consume content has undergone a rapid transformation. What does this mean for meeting and event professionals? You’ve likely faced unique challenges in capturing (and keeping) your audience’s attention to deliver a memorable experience. To address these hurdles, let’s consider some ...
How to leverage color psychology to Unlock the Unforgettable Colors play a vital role in helping us navigate the world around us. Certain hues can influence how we feel, behave and even respond in various settings, giving them an intriguing role in human psychology and fueling our long-held fascination with them. This year, Pantone, the ...
When I was a child, my mother had my “color matching” evaluated. This is the tedious process of putting color swatches next to your face to determine if you are fall, winter, spring or summer – or rather, if you look best in warm or cool colors. It was determined that I was a fall, ...
As a meeting planner, do you ask yourself if attendees leave your events happier and more productive than when they arrived? All too often, the business-side of a meeting becomes so focused on cost-savings and ROI that the human element is forgotten. Attendee engagement, problem-solving, and behavior-changing goals get pushed aside for these “results-based” aspects. It’s time to reignite that conversation and think about creating meaningful, lasting experiences for attendees. We ...
It’s the same reason you go through multiple swatches before painting a room: colors impact how we feel. Planning the look of an event is no different. Making informed and careful decisions about design before the meeting even starts is crucial to support attendee well-being and high performance – and a lot of that is anchored to something as simple as the color palette you ...
Jun 20 2019
Christian Wright
In 2012, VR first grabbed the attention of the world with Oculus Rift’s wildly successful Kickstarter campaign. The almost 2.5 million dollars raised proved it was easy to see the potential of a technology capable of transporting users to another perceived environment. This rings especially true for the meetings and events industry. From the initial event ...