Oct 26 2023
Candice Beckman

When it’s time to select your venue, a site visit is one of the most critical steps. Not only do you get to physically step in your space and imagine your event coming to life, it’s a chance to ask the most important questions with your potential venue team. Unfortunately, so many of us are …

Simplify the complexity of events: three ways to leverage the power of an event production partner

Sep 11 2023
Annette Moody
Even the smallest event can involve surprising complexity: innovative technology, remote participants, not to mention on-site changes. And with each vendor or production partner, that level of complexity becomes amplified by the need to manage additional people and processes, expectations and production schedules. That’s why – especially if you have limited time and resources – ...

Three Strategies to Crafting Compelling Event Content 

Aug 23 2023
Emily Loftis
Produce a memorable experience for your meeting participants  In today’s ever-changing landscape, the way people consume content has undergone a rapid transformation. What does this mean for meeting and event professionals? You’ve likely faced unique challenges in capturing (and keeping) your audience’s attention to deliver a memorable experience. To address these hurdles, let’s consider some ...

The Secret to Keeping Your Audience Engaged

Jan 13 2022
Are you using creative content to its fullest potential? You should be. Gone are the days of standing in front of a crowd with a simple slide presentation and expecting your audience to remain tuned in — that’s sort of like serving an unseasoned meal.It’s bland and forgettable. From industry award shows and product launches ...

There is no going back to how things were and that is a good thing.

Dec 1 2021
Candice Beckman
S’il n’est un secret pour personne que la pandémie a tout bouleversé dans le secteur de l’événementiel, elle a également apporté quelques avantages inattendus en cours de route. Avant que COVID-19 ne devienne un titre quotidien, réfléchissez à ce qui rendait le secteur de l’événementiel unique dans l’esprit des étrangers : Les organisateurs d’événements ont ...

Looking Back, Moving Forward: Reflections on Pride Month

Jun 18 2020
Donna Hubley
Pride Month celebrates the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, which took place more than 50 years ago. On the first anniversary of Stonewall, a peaceful protest was organized that would become an annual event celebrating LGBTQ+ rights, before blossoming into the large-scale Pride events and parades we see globally today. As with so many events this ...

Pandemic Makes Events More Important Than Ever

Jun 11 2020
Mike Stengel
A Rise in Hybrid Meetings and Events The COVID-19 pandemic has presented new challenges to the event industry. But, with crisis, often comes innovation. As automobile manufacturers have quickly changed their business model from building cars to building ventilators, the events industry is responding with different ways to use technology to connect organizations and people. ...

Two Critical Principles for Virtual Event Design

May 21 2020
Alissa Hurley, CMM, CED
Hint: It’s not about the platform Over the last two months (though it certainly feels much longer), our industry has frantically been pivoting live events to virtual event formats. For many, this meant rapidly researching a vast array of streaming providers, web conference solutions, and virtual event platforms. In the process, it’s also meant a ...