With our calendars full of video conference calls, webinars and virtual happy hours, we’re all spending more time than ever in front of our screens.
Virtual events are convenient but may preset attendees with many distractions at the same time: While it may be easier to attend a virtual event, it’s also easier to leave one. Distraction is only one click away. Online audiences are value conscious, and they expect more—more interaction, more entertainment and more conversation.
Now more than ever, it’s vital that organizers invest in their virtual events, up the production values and boost the experience for their attendees. We’ve put together our top ten tips to help you elevate your next virtual event and keep your audience glued to the screen.
Tip 1 -
Make It
...with Interactive Platforms

Audience Interaction
As any event organizer knows, it can be challenging enough to engage your attendees at your in-person event. When you move that experience online, you’re suddenly faced with a whole new level of distractions. Bursting inboxes, ever-scrolling social news feeds and online shopping are all just one click away. Utilize an interactive virtual event platform that includes advanced features enabling you to make your event as multi-faceted and engaging as an in-person equivalent.
Tip 2 -
Make It
Stand Out
...with a Presentation StageTM

Ultimate Production Value
If you want to make your online experience stand out from the crowd, upping your production values are vital and studios are a great way to ensure the quality of your presentation. Presentation Stages offer a premium level of quality and professionalism for your event. The environment is free of distractions and professionally equipped with branded LED backdrops, furnishings, stage lighting, microphones and broadcast quality cameras.
Tip 3 -
Make It
...with Remote Presenter Kits

Present Remotely
Another excellent way to boost the production value of your next virtual event is utilizing Remote Presenter Kits (also known as RPKs). Not only do these kits remove many of the obstacles your presenters might face when remotely presenting at your event, they also optimize how they appear to your audience. Our RPKs can be customized to your specific objectives and consist of easy-to-use lighting and audio equipment such as ring lights and USB mics, capture devices such as HD cameras and even backgrounds to further boost your environment. Even network cabling is considered to elevate your event and remove possible risk. And if you are located in a rural area where the bandwidth is not ideal, don’t worry we will bring the bandwidth to you. Used together, these kits provide an experience that is straight forward, professional and consistent for your presenters.
Tip 4 -
Make It
Larger Than Life
...with Mixed Reality

Bring Your Event To Life
Mixed Reality combines real-world experiences with people in non-real or virtual situations. This immersive technology is a great way to boost the imaginations of your virtual event attendees and bring an added dimension to what they are seeing and feeling. For example, do you want to launch a product but don’t have a physical prototype ready to go? Use mixed reality to showcase it! Presenters can interact with 3D objects that can appear in the space, spin, or open up. You can even perform a parts explosion to show off specific product details. If you have tricky data to visualize in 2D then bring it to life with mixed reality graphics that presenters can interact with in real-time. If you want to transport you presenter(s) to other worlds to showcase your product, you could also do this using mixed reality technology.
Tip 5 -
Make It Memorable
...with Engaging Content

Content is King
Content is king when it comes to making sure that you get your message heard. In fact, with virtual events your content is one of the single most important considerations that will make or break your success. With all those at-home distractions we’ve talked about, you need to be able to grab your attendee’s attention and keep hold of it. That means there is much more pressure on your content to pack a punch.